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The Premier Academy Where Teaching Is A Work Of Heart!

Year 4 Choir Bring Festive Cheer to Midsummer Place

This week, Year 4 children from The Premier Academy brought plenty of festive cheer to the public at Midsummer Place, Central Milton Keynes.

The children sang ten songs that they had been practising in lessons with Jonathan, the Academy’s Head of Music, with songs ranging from school favourites Rockstar, I’m Gonna Shine and One and A Million to some popular Christmas tunes such as Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

As part of the performance, collection buckets were taken around the crowd and over £55 was raised for the School Council’s chosen charity: The Guide Dogs Association for the Blind.

Parents, siblings and members of the general public gathered around the bandstand in the heart of Midsummer Place, enjoying the efforts of the nearly 60 children in attendance.

Jonathan, who helped guide the choir, was delighted with how the children performed, commenting:

“It was fantastic to see such a great turn out from TPA families to support the Year 4s singing at Midsummer Place. Seeing and hearing over 50 children singing so happily to the Christmas shoppers made a lot of people happy.”

The children equally enjoyed themselves and many were keen to share what they enjoyed about the experience, saying:

“I enjoyed the singing and the decorations.”


“I enjoyed seeing all the people smiling and coming to listen to the songs.”


“I liked going on the minibus and singing!”


“I loved when we were singing the Rudolph song, it made me happy.”


“I loved the song Feliz Navidad and when I saw my friends.”