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The Premier Academy Where Teaching Is A Work Of Heart!


Home About Us Governance

As a Governing Body we have three main stipulated tasks, which are:

  • To provide a sense of direction for the work of the school
  • To support the work of the school as a ‘critical friend’
  • To hold the school to account for the standards and quality of education it achieves.

Each year we sit down with the CEO and the Leadership Team and agree what should be the Academy’s priorities for the coming year. The key question is always, “What can we do to further improve teaching and learning for everyone at The Premier Academy?”

Teaching and learning is after all the core business of our Academy. As a Governing Body we bring a variety of different experiences to the school ranging from business, IT, finance, and the health services. This coupled with educational specialists contributes usefully to the running of the Academy. Some of us also have children at the Academy!

I hope that having looked at our website, you will agree with me that The Premier Academy has a well-deserved reputation as a caring school which promotes the highest aims and expectations and where the children come first.

All governors can be contacted via email:

All academy trusts must have at least two layers of governance: the members, who take ultimate responsibility for the trust achieving its charitable objectives, and the board of trustees, who deliver the core governance functions and ensure that trust business is conducted in compliance with company and charity law. Click here for further information regarding governance at The Premier Academy.

Current Board of Trustees
Name Position Responsibility Date of Appointment & Appointee End of Term
Paul Ayres Chair of Governors Director (Trustee)
& Member
Performance Management 27/09/2022
TPA Board
Jake Farquharson Staff Governor IT / Representative member of staff 30/11/2022
Staff Body
Warren Harrison Ex-Officio Director (Trustee) & Member N/A 01/10/2010 26/09/2026
Keith James Member N/A 24/11/2020 N/A
Halima Jasmin Staff Governor EAL / Representative member of staff 15/05/2024
Staff Body
Nigel Mason  Vice Chair of Governors Director (Trustee) Safeguarding / Attendance / Performance Management 06/09/2024
TPA Board
Chris Weeks Parent Governor KS2 Curriculum 13/10/2021
Parent Body
Malgorzata Zubrzycka Parent Governor SEND 25/09/2024
Parent Body

Further Information

Performance Management

The ongoing, continuous process of communicating and clarifying job responsibilities, priorities, performance expectations, and development planning that optimises the Leadership Team’s performance and aligns with organisational strategic goals.

Community Liaison

Responsible for managing the communication between TPA and community citizens / organisations.


Safeguarding is the action taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding means: protecting children from abuse and maltreatment and preventing harm to children’s health or development.

SEND – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

SEND can affect a child’s ability to learn manifesting itself in challenges such as: self-regulation of behaviour or ability to socialise; progression in reading and writing due to difficulties with processing and understanding; ability to focus on learning due to low mental health; physical barriers such as sight or hearing impairment.

EDI – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality means fairness: we must ensure that individuals, or groups of individuals, are not treated less favourably because of their protected characteristics. Diversity is recognising, respecting and celebrating each other’s differences. Inclusion means creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.

Representative member of staff

A staff governor is not a staff representative but a representative member of staff. Staff governors cannot be mandated by the staff to vote in a certain way but most vote for what is best for the school.

Business Liaison

Duties designed to maintain external relationships, exchange information and promote operations.


The curriculum is the totality of children’s experiences that occur during the educational process at TPA.

Declaration of Interests

Relevant Related / Connected Party Interests

At The Premier Academy we have four Governors with a Business Interest.

Declaration of Interests are recorded centrally and Related / Connected Party Interest forms are reviewed annually.

Other Governing Body Membership

At The Premier Academy we do not have any Governors who are members of other Governing Bodies.

Personal Relationships

At The Premier Academy we have two Governors who have children at the Academy.

Interested in becoming a Governor

When a parent or staff governor position becomes vacant, the clerk advertises the position to the appropriate body (parents, teachers, non-teachers) in order for candidates to make their interest known and the election process is then followed.

Board of Trustees (2023 – 2024)

The Board of Trustees formally met five times during the year 2023/2024. All meetings were Full Governing Body Meetings and the attendance during the year at meetings of the Board of Trustees was as follows:

Name Position Responsibility End of Term Meetings Attended Out of Possible 6
Paul Ayres Chair of Governors Director (Trustee) & Member Performance Management 26/09/2026 4
Janice Careddu Parent Governor KS1 Curriculum 12/10/2025 6
Jake Farquharson Staff Governor IT / Representative member of staff 29/11/2026 6
Warren Harrison Ex-Officio Director (Trustee) & Member N/A 26/09/2026 6
Keith James Member N/A N/A 0 (Out of a possible 6)
Halima Jasmin (Appointed 15/05/2024) Staff Governor Representative member of staff 14/05/2028 2 (Out of a possible 2)
Nigel Mason Vice Chair of Governors Director (Trustee) Safeguarding 05/09/2024 6
Julie Milton (Resigned 29/11/2023) Co-opted Governor Director (Trustee) Business Liaison 12/10/2025 2 (Out of a possible 3)
Saras Pillay (Resigned 20/03/2024) Staff Governor SEND / EDI 19/05/2027 2 (Out of a possible 3)
Lee Robinson (Resigned 20/03/2024) Staff Governor Representative member of staff 06/11/2025 2 (Out of a possible 3)
Chris Weeks Parent Governor IT / KS2 Curriculum 12/10/2025 4