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The Premier Academy Where Teaching Is A Work Of Heart!



All children receive a hot school dinner every day in our 5-star kitchen carefully prepared from one of our three trained cooks. The school operates with a policy of no sandwiches or lunches being brought into school.

Meals are heavily subsidised and cost just £2.20 per day which is the cheapest in the Milton Keynes.  Children in KS1 and children on Free School Meals can enjoy a hot meal and there is no need to pay.

Children dine in Eat ‘N’ Hall, a purpose-built dining facility where those that need it are taught how to use and eat with cutlery. Alongside their main hot meal children also get unlimited access to a salad bar which includes fruit, a bread basket and a choice of desserts.

The £2.20 per day also includes a choice of a mid-morning healthy snack.

We offer halal meat and there is always a vegetarian option as well. Specific dietary requirements and allergies are catered for and overseen by our medical team.


All children from 4 to 11 years old learn Spanish from one of our specialist Spanish teachers. We believe that the ability to speak English and Spanish by the age of 11, gives our children a huge advantage over children attending other schools.

Children can access the TPA Spanish website (follow the link on our home page) where they will find a vast range of Spanish games and activities. In addition to the resources on offer, the website showcases the exciting and impressive work the children are doing in their Spanish and Computing lessons.


The Academy employs a specialist PE teacher and a dance teacher to ensure that your child’s physical development is maintained appropriately.  We recently built a state of the art dance studio, in which our younger children have lessons in small groups. The PE and dance curriculum combines physical literacy, experimentation and creativity whilst developing self-knowledge and social skills.


All classrooms have state of the art interactive Promethean boards and there are four ICT bays in the Academy. In addition, we have an ICT suite in Eat ‘N’ Hall, complete with its own interactive board. Children can log on to any machine, anywhere in Academy and instantly access their own work from a central curriculum server.

As well as populating our servers with high-quality award-winning platforms we put an emphasis on children being able to touch type and programme.

Purple Mash for example is an award-winning website for nursery and primary school children. It allows children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a creative and exciting way. This resource is used to support children’s learning both in school and beyond the classroom, we encourage children to access the programme at home.

With the advent of AI and Chat GPT we are conscious that our children have to be skilled up to ensure that they have access to the creative, fast-paced world that relies on machine connections whilst at the same time being protected from the negative aspects which affect so many children.


Academy policy is that each child has at least three real life learning excursions each year. These offsite excursions are supplemented by onsite enrichment opportunities covering a range of topics including: education, community, health services, performing arts and sports.


The Academy employs specialist music teachers and operates a policy that all children perform on stage each year. See the Music section on the website for further details.


The Academy offers a wide variety of extra-curricula clubs which take place at lunchtimes and after school.  Some of these are seasonal. Extra-curricula clubs and activities include: sign language, choir, music, violin, performing arts, football development, football squad, dance squad, cross country, gymnastics, korfball and Zumba to name a few.

All clubs are free of charge.

Please note: Extra-curricular clubs are currently suspended due to union advice.


Periodically we offer adult basic skills classes in Maths and English and adult beginners’ classes in Spanish. All our additional services are free and the time costs of the staff are donated by the staff.

We hold regular coffee mornings for our parents and carers that cover a range of topics including: maths, early reading, E-safety, SEN and EAL support. These sessions allow parents and carers to ask questions, share experiences and / or concerns, find out information, and keep up-to-date with what is going on in the Academy.

Please note: Adult classes are currently on hold due to union advice.