Please note that calls to and from The Premier Academy are recorded for training and accuracy purposes.
The Premier Academy Where Teaching Is A Work Of Heart!


Home Parents Uniform


Item of clothing: Should be:
TPA Blazer
(compulsory from Y3-6)
ParentMail £23.50
TPA House Colour Tie ParentMail
Elasticated – £4.00 (Reception, Y1 & Y2 only)
Non-elasticated – £4.00
Plain white buttoned and collared shirt

Polo shirts are NOT allowed.

Shop of choice e.g. Asda, Tesco, M&S, Clarks etc

Plain knit navy V-neck
jumper or cardigan

ParentMail – £5
Or shop of choice e.g. Asda, Tesco, M&S, Clarks etc

Grey trousers, dresses or skirts

No dresses / skirts shorter than 5cm above the knee and no longer than 5cm below the knee.

Shop of choice e.g. Asda, Tesco, M&S, Clarks etc
Plain black school shoes

(black ankle boots are acceptable only under trousers – not with skirts/dresses).
Heels must be no more than 3cm.
Ballet pumps, plimsolls or trainers are not allowed.

Shop of choice e.g. Asda, Tesco, M&S, Clarks etc
Plain white, black or grey socks or plain grey tights Shop of choice e.g. Asda, Tesco, M&S, Clarks etc
TPA Indoor /
PE Kit

Bundle including navy T-shirt, navy shorts and kit bag with TPA logo and child’s name embroidered on clothing items

T-shirt – £7.00
Shorts – £9.00
PE Kit Bundle – £17.50
TPA Winter PE Kit

Navy blue tracksuit with TPA logo and child’s name embroidered on tops and bottoms

Sweatshirt – £11.50
Joggers – £12 or £12.50 for small adult size
Predominately plain black or plain white PE Trainers

Shop of choice e.g. Asda, Tesco, M&S, Clarks etc


Children must use an appropriately sized bag to carry their books and equipment. It must hold A4-sized workbooks comfortably without causing them any damage.
Bags featuring inappropriate images, slogans or phrases will not be permitted.

The Academy will not be liable for lost or damaged school bags.


One pair maximum of small stud or sleeper earrings only in the lobe.

No rings, bracelets, bangles, necklaces or chains should be worn.

The Academy will not be liable for lost or damaged items.

All jewellery must be removed/covered during practical lessons, including PE and science experiments.

Smart watches are not permitted.

Hair, Accessories and Coverings

The Academy reserves the right to make a judgement on whether a child’s hairstyle, hair colour or headwear is inappropriate for the school environment; however, the Academy will ensure that any such judgements do not discriminate against any child by virtue of their protected characteristics.

Hair must ensure not to impede a child’s vision, cover their face, or cause a health and safety risk. Long hair must be tied up during practical lessons, e.g. during PE.
The following hairstyles, hair colours and headwear are not considered appropriate for school:

  • Brightly-coloured or non-conventional hair including coloured hair braids
  • Headwear with bold patterns, bright colours or embellishments
  • Excessive or decorative hair accessories
  • Shaved hair designs
  • Headwear featuring inappropriate words or images

Beads if worn must be minimal and plain white or navy.

Hair accessories, such as Alice / headbands, bows, clips or scrunchies must be discreet and conventional with no decoration.

Hijabs and other headwraps, if worn, should be plain grey, navy or white and short for health and safety reasons.

Nail Polish and Makeup

The wearing of nail polish, false nails and nail extensions, temporary tattoos and makeup is not permitted, including on non-uniform days.

Please visit our policies page for further information.

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