Academy Contact Details:
The Premier Academy
Saffron Street
Tel: 01908 373621
If you have any queries please contact the school office
Chief Executive Officer: Warren Harrison
Chief Financial Officer: Diane Holzbauer
Chair Of Governors: Paul Ayres
Head of Education: Collette Butler
Deputy Head: Olivia Cain
Designated Safeguarding Lead & Attendance Officer: Liz McGrath
SENDCo: Michael Classon
Admissions Arrangement
Please visit the Admission Arrangements – September 2024 page for our Admissions Arrangement
Ofsted Reports
Please visit the Ofsted Report page for our Ofsted Reports
Statutory Results
Please visit the Academic Standards page for our Statutory Results
Academy's Governance
Please visit the Governance page for our Academy's Governance
Attendance & Absence Policy
Please visit the Policies page for our Attendance & Absence Policy
Please visit the Curriculum page for our Curriculum
Behaviour Policy
Please visit the Policies page for our Behaviour Policy
Pupil Premium
Please visit the Pupil Premium page for our Pupil Premium
Academy's PE and Sports Grant Allocation
Please visit the PE and Sport Grant Allocation page for our Academy's PE and Sports Grant Allocation
SEND Information Report
Please visit the Policies page for our SEND Information Report
For further information about the Milton Keynes City Council SEND Local Offer click here.
Suspension & Exclusion Arrangements
Please visit the Policies page for our Suspension & Exclusion Arrangements
Charging and Remissions Policy
Please visit the Policies page for our Charging and Remissions Policy
Ethos, Vision and Belief
Please visit the Ethos page for our Ethos, Vision and Belief
Child Protection Policy
Please visit the Policies page for our Child Protection Policy
Data Protection Policy
Please visit the Policies page for our Data Protection Policy
Public Sector Equality Duty Statement
Please visit the Documents page for our Public Sector Equality Duty Statement
Uniform Policy
Please visit the Policies page for our Uniform Policy
Music Development Plan 2024-25
Please visit the Curriculum page for our Music Development Plan 2024-25
Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017
The statement below is published in accordance with our legal obligations under the The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017.
Since becoming an Academy, the number of staff members who have opted to join a Trades Union has remained quite low and we have not been approached by either Trades Unions or employees to request support from the Academy in appointing an internal Trades Union Representative. We keep this under review and have the mechanisms in place to support and facilitate the election of a Trades Union Representative should this be requested.
Please email the Academy should you require paper copies of any Academy policies.